Welcome to the official website of the Public Institution for the Regional Development of Varazdin County.
Our task is to create conditions for the sustainable and balanced development of the Varazdin County through encouraging innovation, investments and development projects that improve the quality of life of all our residents. Here you can find information about the activities, projects and services that we are providing in order to strengthen the economy, regional development, environmental protection and infrastructure.
Our team of experts is always here to help you and to provide support in realization of your project ideas. Given the constant changes and challenges, the goal is to work together on solutions that will enhance our County, contribute to its long-term development and improve the lives of all residents.
Already achieved success regarding the results of the previous programming period, as well as the contribution to balanced regional development, obliges us to continue to have a measurable impact on the improvement of the overall development potential of Varazdin County, mostly through the processes of monitoring, strategic planning, implementation and coordination of activities.
The opportunity and responsibility to be active participants in creating the preconditions for sustainable economic and social development, through implementation of tasks that make a difference is before us. The quality of preparation is the way to the quality of action.
We invite you to explore our website, inform yourself about current open calls, programmes and opportunities, and to contact us with confidence for all questions and possible collaboration.
Together we are building the future of Varazdin County!